Abstracting the Landscape

This course is for intermediate to advanced landscape painters working in any medium who want to explore abstraction. In this course, we’ll begin with nature as our starting point. One of the goals of the course is to help you discover where along that sliding scale of realism to abstraction your work fits. Another goal is to help you find the unique and personal visual vocabulary you will use to express your experience of the landscape. We'll also explore specific techniques for abstracting landscape and a variety of tools, mediums and materials. Zooms are recorded and you have evergreen access so you can revisit the course materials whenever you like.

    1. The Importance of Play

    2. Pictorial Space

    3. Week 1 -Exercise #1 Lines and Shapes

    4. Week 1--Exercise #2 Mark Making

    5. Week 1--Exercise #3--Building Your Shape Vocabulary

    6. Week 1--Exercise #4 Finding Lines and Shapes in Nature

    7. Week 1--Demo Example of Five Line Drawings (Part I)

    8. Week 1 --Demo Example of Five Line Drawings (Part II_

    9. Recording--Zoom Meeting #1

    1. Iterations--Mining Your Work

    2. The Birth of Collage and Mixed Media

    3. Collage Tips

    4. Lee Krasner

    5. Week 2- Assignment #1--Movement

    6. Week 2--Assignment #2- Collage B&W

    7. Another B&W Collage Demo

    8. Week 2--Assignment #3--Collage from one of your paintings

    9. Zoom #2 Recording

    1. Process

    2. Week 3--Assignment #1 Drawing from your 5 line drawings

    3. Week 3--Assignment #2 Painting from your drawings

    4. Week 3--Assignment #3 Painting from collage

    5. Week 3--Assignment #4. Make more collages

    6. Zoom #3 Recording

    7. Working with cold wax medium

    8. Amy Sillman on her process

    9. Pigment Sticks

    1. Week 4--Cropping

    2. Week #4 Exercise 1 Using cropping to find compositions from shapes

    3. Week 4--Exercise #2 Crops From Paintings

    4. Week 4 --Exercise #3 Crops From Collage

    5. Zoom #4 Recording

About this course

  • $325.00
  • Weekly video demonstrations
  • Four 90 minute Zoom classes (recorded)--June 1, 8, 15 and 22 at 11:00 AM CST
  • Private community for sharing and feeedback

Join us for Abstracting the Landscape!